A large settlement of Irish Catholics was established around the town of Bristol in the northeast corner of Winnebago County in the year 1870. A traveling priest who came from Mason City via train to Northwood, then by wagon or on foot to Bristol held masses at that time in the schoolhouse. Later, resident pastors of Britt and Garner were assigned to serve the communities of Bristol and Forest City.
A modest wooden church was built in Lake Mills and was dedicated in November 1890, and a resident priest was assigned. During his pastorate, a movement to build a church in Forest City was begun, and the priest's residence was moved there. Mission communities attached to Forest City at that time were Lake Mills, Northwood, Thompson, Buffalo Center and Armstrong.
In the early years, three women from the parish became religious sisters. Two former members of the parish have been ordained to the priesthood. The Altar Society was organized in 1953, and has remained active over the years. This group of women has provided many necessary items for both the church and parish hall, and has been generous in supporting parish youth and other community agencies.
A sizeable legacy was provided by the Costello sisters to build the present church, which was dedicated on December 22, 1968, by Archbishop James Byrne. St. Patrick celebrated its centennial year in August 1991, with a Mass of Thanksgiving offered by Archbishop Daniel Kucera, OSB. The 25th and 40th anniversaries of the present church building were marked with special Masses and parish celebrations.
In 1970, the parish council was established as well as the board of education. Religious sisters from both the Franciscan and Presentation communities have served the parish as patoral associated and directors of religious education. Their presence has been a grace to the parish. St. Patrick Parish has approximately 80 familieies registered and 32 children enrolled in the faith formation and youth group programs.
We are proud of our small Catholic community and of the heritage left to us by our faithful, determined forefathers and mothers who were willing to work diligently to provide a spiritual foundation for their future generations.